Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Field trip to Bemis Library on Thursday

Even though the snow had mostly melted, it was still a bit cool and the ground was wet, so we decided to skip the park again and just go to the library. On Thursday, Ms. Marta and Ms. Val showed us around and read a story. Here are some scenes.

Spring Field trip to Bemis Library Wednesday

Thanks the snow, we had to change our field trip plans a little. Instead of going to the park, playing and eating lunch we were only able to go to the library. Everyone bundled up and we had a brisk walk to Bemis Library. Ms. Mary and Ms. Val showed us around and read us a story. Here are some scenes.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Great Escape Closed Tuesday, April 9 due to weather

It's official! Littleton Public Schools and almost every other school district in the metro area has closed school tomorrow due to the winter storm moving in. Great Escape follows LPS for school closures due to weather, so we will be closed tomorrow also.